
The radiant rise of Taiwan's beauty industry

Discover the allure of Taiwan's booming beauty market—a dynamic landscape offering companies opportunities for growth and innovation. With robust performance across skincare, hair care, and cosmetics, this market showcases resilience and...

Liberia – A market on the rise

Sweden's historical trade relations with Liberia are poised to enter a new era as Liberia emerges as a vibrant hub for sustainable growth in West Africa. Explore the country’s thriving potential and get strategic insights to...

Smart Society Sweden podcast series shines a light on personalised medicine

Life science takes the spotlight in the latest episode of Smart Society Sweden – an insightful podcast series jointly presented by Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation and Business Sweden. Tune in to explore Sweden’s pioneering advances in...

Amping up North America's tech powerhouse

To shift the supply chain balance of power from an historically dominant eastern hemisphere, Canada and the US are vying to grow domestic R&D and nearshore semiconductor manufacturing. With North America’s combined semiconductor market...

Retail Outlook in Southeast Asia

The retail landscape in Southeast Asia is undergoing a remarkable transformation, fuelled by regional GDP growth, the rapid proliferation of e-commerce, and changing consumer preferences. While rapid urbanisation and a growing...

Understanding the business climate in Nigeria

In April 2023, we distributed a market investment survey to 49 Swedish companies operating in Nigeria. The purpose was to see how Swedish companies perceive the business climate, what makes them successful, what challenges they see and...

Hit the spot with beauty and personal care products in India

The growth of India’s beauty and personal care sector is soaring, and the demand for global brands unprecedented driven by a rapidly growing middle income group. With sustainability and ethical consumerism emerging as priorities for...

Navigating Importation in Nigeria to embrace opportunities

Navigating Nigeria’s import puzzle to unlock

Digital technologies unlocking Africa’s informal retail market potential

Consumption behaviours in Africa are unique, with informal retail channels still dominating despite rapid urbanisation and a growing middle-income population. Shopping habits of people across the income spectrum have remained consistent,...

Three reasons why Sweden is spearheading the global fight against Alzheimer’s

The world’s leading experts on neurodegenerative diseases gathered in Gothenburg earlier this year. Here’s a closer look at why Sweden is in pole position to solve the Alzheimer’s puzzle.

Food for thought: bright future for Agri-Food Tech in Singapore

In November 2022, the United Nations announced that the global population had surpassed 8 billion. Today, more than half of the world’s inhabitants live in urban areas, while climate change and rising temperatures are causing more...

A new chapter for Cote d’Ivoire: Swedish alliance accelerates West Africa’s largest clean water project

With backing from Sweden’s first class export credit system, progress is well underway to bring safe and clean drinking water to three million people in more than a thousand rural villages across Cote d’Ivoire. Here’s a look behind the...

"Swedish companies have a head start"

On 17 January, Dagens Industri hosted the Di Världen conference in collaboration with Business Sweden. Our CEO, Jan Larsson, gave a speech in the Winter Garden at the Grand Hôtel on the theme: From global to regional - Swedish industry's...

Resilient Coastal Western Africa: Turning Challenges to Opportunities

West Africa is demographically and economically one of the world’s fastest growing regions. Swedish companies that prepare well for expansion have a lot to gain in this region that offers sustainable growth and partnership opportunities...

China is reopening – what happens now?

Almost three years after closing its door on the global community to keep Covid-19 at bay, China has now taken steps towards living with the virus and is opening up again. Keeping up with these developments as well as understanding which...